By. This survey was shared with 21 different Otherkin and Therian websites, groups, forums, discord servers, chats, social media platforms, etc. ” (Shea 2019, pp. Otherkin does not, by it’s very definition, include everyone, nor should it. How do you prove you are an Otherkin? Ultimately, you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!I hung out on therian (not otherkin) forums when I was younger, and in fact this is how I learned I was trans. In a poll of 120 therians/otherkin, a majority appear dissatisfied with the piece; fully 80% felt it was only slightly accurate, or not at all. the admins and mods there are very knowledgable and will actively help you on your journey to discovery. 0. Many otherkin talk about their identity in terms of spirituality or religion, and freedom of religion is already protected. 2367. Elves, Dragons, Fae, and etc may find their kind here. I've also met Furries who weren't Furry fetishists, and just felt better wearing a tail and ears or whatever. Stars on the Still Waters: A relatively young forum focusing on elven otherkin. And otherkin are perfectly well aware that they have human bodies, human chromosomes, human sexual organs. Birds in general (even more majestic birds) are rare on otherkin forums, but you'll see people who identify as things like pigeons who have popped up over the years on some of the older forums. A list for Otherkin who are Angels or Angelic, or who have aspects which are Angels or Angelic. An immediate database crash. This is a place to discuss what it is to be angel-kin, to share experiences with others, or just to gripe. 5: 21: I am Back~! by Heavenly Regret Oct 6, 2014 11:31:10 GMT -5. (I am only a member there, not. Lunar Wolf. My opinion is yes for therians and maybe for vampires. Another forum site that seems fairly active is Otherkin. Donate and support Agora Road's Macintosh Cafe to keep the forum alive and make any necessary upgrades to have a more pleasant experience! In addition, you will be able to have "moods" enabled on your profile and have donation only awards!. So the general consensus in the feminist community I have seen is that the issue of being trans-gender is a legitimate one, whereas otherkin, "trans-racial" and other"fringe" issues we see on the more. 9. Right now I am watching a program on Youtube about people who identify as otherkin, meaning they do not see themselves as fully human (in. But to be honest, Otherkin is a touchy subject with me. In “ Not of this world: An otherkin primer ,” I covered the basics of otherkin history and culture, how we. There are people who believe they are otherkin or identify as otherkin, but it isn't real and shouldn't be treated as such. # 80/100 You scored 53% on Polymorph, higher than 80% of. The relationship between otherkin and therians is widely known, and otherkin and therians usually intermingle on forums and here in the tag. 105. Therians cannot choose their thereotypes. [1] [2] The otherkin community grew out of the elven online community of the early-to-mid-1990s, with the earliest recorded use of the term. Oct 22, 2021. Otherkin (sometimes called "otherkind") are those who identify in some nonphysical way as nonhuman or not fully human. Otherkin are people who don't identify as human, either entirely or partially. Traditionally these have been mythological in nature, beginning with fairy and fay folk, elves, and a few other European mythological archetypes. Description: The new forum for hybrid vampires to discuss issues related to being a hybrid. Otherkin =/= clinical lycanthropy. I admin a forum for Therians and Otherkin, and there . Debate Guideline: Angelkin is a list focused more on open debate and discussion of ideas than many Otherkin forums. In some cases vampirism is a kind of “condition” or acquired thing yet the person is still human. For the purpose of the servitor, three tasks: 1. Otherkin cannot choose their kintypes. General Otherkin. DISCUSSIONS. I'm not to the type to judge, but if you came up to me and told if I identify as a mermaid I'll say no because I can't breath under water like mermaids do and the extra benefits that comes with it. But I am also fictionkin, if that bothers anyone please let me know politely, I've had experiences with rude people -- even those already into Otherkin -- telling me I'm insane. 8k. Any real life locations too. I don't use that because I know real otherkin, in fact I'm married to one. Welcome to r/bigfoot. Otherkin began finding each other and creating dedicated otherkin spaces, largely as newsgroups, and then message forums, and eventually on social media sites. posts. People talk about feeling a personal relationship with Jesus, or feeling connected to the whole universe, or sensing the presence of various kinds of spirits. We Talked to the Growing Online Community of 'Otherkin': People Who Identify as Non-HumanThis is not in any way an attack on the legitimacy of the trans community, I've just had a hard time with some cognitive dissonance lately. If you feel like you are, at your core, (be that spiritually or mentally or whatever) a cat and NOT a human, then you are otherkin. The site has been around for a very long time, but received a refresh in 2021. Any Important Announcements Will Be Places Here - Not Broadcast Forum-Wide. Otherkin feel they have a sympathetic connection, affinity, or some other form of relation with another animal or being. Landing? Last Post. ( Requested articles) · ( New articles) About AnOtherWiki · Article talk · User talk · Site news. a crash course / beginners guide in the otherkin community. . See more. Otherkin A(n) Guide written by Marz and published in our Otherkin section. Forums. 0. The protagonists of film and book may have little in common but they share a desire to escape the narrowness of being human. If you haven’t been here before, you may wish to check out our selection of introductory and. Otherkin Types. This is explained by members of the otherkin community as possible through reincarnation, having a nonhuman soul, ancestry, or symbolic metaphor. Smoke and Mirrors > Non Human Identity > Non Human Identity >. late 1990s/early 2000s. Jarandhel Dreamsinger. Most of my otherkin friends seem almost allergic to ceremonial magic. I’m always shifted though, and always feel phantom wings - I believe my secondary type is a dragon, because I feel super connected to those as well. The other Articles on Otherkin. The difference is how a cisgender and transgender experience gender. Two cousins and my two sisters. Therianthropy is about the experience of animality and our shifts. A MESSAGE FOR THE GUESTS. # 84/100 You scored 62% on Demon, higher than 84% of your peers. forums. This is a space for you to post reviews and/or links to places you have visited. Later, when I joined the otherkin community, I'd been going by that name online for probably somewhere between one and two years. Otherkin is a term used to refer to people who believe that their physical bodies do not reflect their perceived “actual” non-human spiritual forms. You really have to follow these instructions! Instructions will update as you progress. Embracing Mystery: Another otherkin and esoteric forum. )Beyond Awakening: A blog about otherkin and therianthropy. - A community for the sharing of information, theories, art, research, humour, memes and encounters or experiences of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. 5 minutes. Otherkin are those who identify as partially or completely inhuman. This frustration can lead some otherkin, especially those that are new to the community, to joining harmful groups that promise to teach them how to physically become their kintype, which is of course impossible. Everyone’s welcome. If you wish to post on, or access. Later, associations with other creatures became. I felt like a cat, then a wolf, then a wolf with wings. Welcome to Otherkin. Draconity. I ran my city’s monthly otherkin gathering for many years, was part of the combined local otherkin/vampire community, and have spent years as a moderator or active member on various otherkin forums and e-lists. Free forum : A support, education and social group for & about Therians, Otherkin, Human-Living/Modern Vampires, and other related Identity Groups or Subcultures. Terro85. Demon kin. Dreamwidth and LiveJournal. Tell us what you liked or didn't like about them. Otherkin feel they have a sympathetic connection, affinity, or some other form of relation with another animal or being. Otherkin fans can be found on Reddit, Tumblr, TV Tropes, and other internet forums. I think looking at otherkin as a religion makes a lot of sense, not just because of its similarity with religious belief but because of its similarity with religious feelings. org Forums: My own forums, dealing with otherkin and the esoteric. Editing · Questions · Help · Donate · Community portal. After awakening: Otherkin and spirituality. Embracing Mystery: Another otherkin and esoteric forum. Likewise, it was used to refer to both mythical-type otherkin, therians (then termed weres or shifters), and even fictionkin (then termed otakukin). It can directly contribute to dangerous, harmful rhetoric. Later, associations with other creatures became common, including unicorns. To note this, the forum's previous "Members Only" private forum was depreciated and merged into the Otherkin forum to become a general "touchy issue" discussion center. Cas might remember that in early conversations with him and Arhuaine I frequently lamented the fact that I couldn't remember my elven name. There are people who identify as mermaids. Other people seem to treat “vampire” as a species and so identify. They truly believe that their identity is. Forum Statistics. There also seemed to be a good number of people on #draconic on Draconic. Due to the current low traffic state of many otherkin message. A more comprehensive list can be found here. This may include identifying as an animal, creature, fictional character, object, or concept. 2. Purportedly, the concept appeared in 1972 when the first elf groups were born (Elf Queen’s Daughters, the Silver Elves) and the term itself became popular in the 90’s with the creation of the first mailing lists that gathered elf-identified. Message Boards in Category:Websites of Indeterminate Status may also be active, but there has been no activity on them in several years and so they are not included in this listing. (I actually didn’t think about otherhearted people which… is kind of sucky on my part, now that I do think about it. The ongoing project of Otherkin artist and author Orion Scribner, The Otherkin Timeline: The Recent History of Elfin, Fae, and Animal People (2012-) aims to chart the pre-millennium events that led to the establishment of an online community for non-human identifying people, recording the opening and closures of important forums, the. This term entails all creatures that fall under the otherkin umbrella. com IRC-wise, #othercreatures on DalNet seems to be a fairly active channel, as does #otherkin on FurNet. Legends of Ourselves , on how forums and other online spaces used to be ca. The majority of them are just. There's also a yahoo group that calls itself “A mailing list for kitsune, and kitsune lovers, and discussions of kitsune. Community. One year later, in 2003, the theta delta (a common symbol for therians) was created in the Awareness forums. A. Fairly long-standing, it’s been around since 2005. Welcome to the Otherkinphenomena forum. In my time in the community I have made many friends, but I also have people who I have constantly disagreed with with or butted. I even briefly toyed with being a Twilight Sparkle fiction-kin. THAT makes me laugh, and ask myself,. Betting. # 75/100 You scored 50% on Angel, higher than 75% of your peers. Description: This is an open forum for donors, vampiric folk, and otherkin/therians. Similar information would also be necessary to document and explain the existence of three main “factions” in the otherkin community throughout much of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It's pretty much a hobby to me and a dream, don't. An expansion of terms, their usage, and importance to members of the community. There are many people who have come to otherkin forums trying to make videos or documentaries or whatever, and the typical response is to refuse to cooperate and advise that everybody else do the same. As such, disagreement. FORUMS. Terms, definitions, and identities []. About Community. But, as I’ve said, some therians don’t like being grouped with otherkin, and beyond otherkin and therians connections to other sub-cultures and communities are uncertain at best. Otherkin beliefs []. Together they have a history. People who identify as other than human have been described (and describe themselves as ‘animal-people’, ‘lycanthropes’, ‘therianthropes’ and, most recently, ‘otherkin’. "as" something, it's not always obvious that two different people might even understand the alleged otherkin behavior of "focusing on identity" to mean different things. com, the premier Otherkin Web site, features essays like “A Call to Arts,” which draws upon the. Otherkin definition, of or relating to the belief or feeling that one's soul or essence is partly or fully something other than human, such as believing one’s core identity to be a mythological creature, fictional character, or animal. Psychological Otherkinity: Psychological otherkinity is for those who believe that the cause of their. Now while I know therian and otherkin are terms to describe a long ranging topic with several different views and opinions, you do not have to agree with me nor does any of what I say mean it's true, however from the general consensus of therian and otherkin groups online, the following links should provide an understanding of what a. Great or not so great otherkin sites, forums or websites of any kind. To help those otherkin who have shared such lives in the past find one another again. Nobody's going to beat an otherkin to death because he pretends to be an animal on the internet, while transgender people face real violence and real threats to their basic human rights. The glorification of one past life over others - or present life - seems to be a. In a far flung future where body shops where one can change one's form as easily as one's outfit exist -- whether in base reality or an AI-assisted simulated one -- the concept of Otherkin wouldn't be that strange at all. As otherkin, we are well aware that we are physically human, which can be very frustrating sometimes. 0. - Please understand that disbelief in Bigfoot/Sasquatch is not. But they don't perceive themselves as human inside their heads. This is the follow-up piece in a two part series exploring otherkin, a subculture of people who consider themselves not human in some way. I think that. But to be honest, Otherkin is a touchy subject with me. A ‘movement’ that is gaining. A non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of metaphysical sciences and dissemination of Otherkin culture. There are some more majestic. org: A long-lived community for otherkin dragons, dating back to 2008. We offer a safe, open place for kin to discuss both. Plenty of people believe Star Trek is real, but I'd say they don't generally pop up in otherkin groups because otherkin groups by their nature are more general. What you identify as is called a kintype. They can typically be found on otherkin forums. It's not my preferred form of magic either, but I look into it every now and again to see what I can learn from it. valkyrie Today, 05:02 AM. Traditionally these have been mythological in nature, beginning with fairy and fey folk, elves, and a few other European mythological archetypes. People perceive their gender, its something the brain does. Currently, I'm looking into the concept from the Golden Dawn tradition that states “For by names and images are all Powers awakened and reawakened. Really and truely, otherkin are reincarnated souls now in a human form but once in a different form - so technically, you can be 1/1000th of a thousand different species depending on how "Old" your soul is. (There's a higher percentage of trans therians than the general population, possibly because their animal self is the opposite sex. Well, I'm glad I found this thread before making my own! I am Otherkin myself, my kintype is a shapeshifting mountain elf. This forum is intended for the benefit of newcomers, to help clarify common misunderstandings on the subject of therianthropy and to help expl Home Toggle mobile siteOtherkinsight Forums: 0 0 A friendly and accepting forum for otherkin. NOTIFICATIONS. To seek out those with nonhuman or otherworldly lives which have touched them deeply, and to help them awaken and to find the otherkin community. Kinmunity is permanently closed. Magic Forum: "Otherkin" - So, Ive been wondering about this term for ages. With minds more open than most seem to be ready for. The message for the guests. Otherkin is community of individuals that identify as nonhuman in some distinct manner. 100% with OP on not liking fictionkin as a label-- goddamnit, my experiences are real and I've had them since long before I ever watched DS9. Demon. I saw somebody joining a forum the other day who identified as a sea slug. I've met Otherkin who aren't Furries and Furries who aren't Otherkin. Xenia. Questions. Otherkin of all walks of life may post here. Hi there! I'm a die-hard fan of a particular football team and I'm looking for a betting site that offers excellent odds and a chance to bet on my favorite. Visit our online store for great deals. So, I know a common term to use for an animal alter is an otherkin. Contrary to popular belief, Otherkin is not directly tied to the Furry Fandom.